Windows 8 Shortcuts

minus1. Getting around Windows 8 Start Screen and Desktop
Win Toggle between Desktop and Start Screen (or open Apps)
Ctrl+Tab On Start Screen: Switch Between Start Window and All Apps Window
Win, then Ctrl+Tab Open All Apps Window
Win, then start typing App Name Search and execute Apps
Escape Close Start Screen and go to Desktop
Win+E Run Explorer on Desktop
Win+R Execute Run on Desktop
Win+X Open Power User Commands on Desktop
Alt+F4 Shutdown Windows
Win+L Lock Computer
Win+F1 Open Windows Help
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minus2. Windows 8 Charme Shortcuts
Tip: Pressing Escape typically closes most Charme menus.
Win+C Open Windows Charme. Use arrow keys and enter to select item. Press
Win+Q Search Charme / last search option
Win+F Search Files
Win+W Search Windows Settings
Win+I Open Settings including Desktop, Control Panel, Personalization, PC Info, Help
Win+H Share Charme
Win+K Device Charme
Win+S Search Settings
Win+F Search Files
Win+Z Show Options / App Bar in current Metro Apps if available.
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minus3. Switch between Apps and Windows
Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+Tab Cycle between all Windows and Apps. Press and hold Alt key before pressing Tab. Release Tab on Window/App you want to open. While tabbing, add Shift to key combination to go backwards.
Ctrl+Alt+Tab then Arrow Keys Cycle between open Apps without having to keep Alt pressed. Press keys once, then use Arrow keys and Enter to select Window/App.
Win+Tab and Win+Shift+Tab Same as Alt+Tab, but only includes Apps only, not Windows on Desktop
Ctrl+Win+Tab, then Arrow keys Same as Ctrl+Alt+Tab, but only includes Apps, not Desktop Windows
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minus4. Power User Commands Shortcuts
These are also listed in the Power User Command Window. Sorted by their (subjective) importance.
Win+X, P Control Panel
Win+X, T Task Manager
Win+X, E File Explorer (alternative: Win+e)
Win+X, R Run (alternative: Win+r)
Win+X, D Desktop (alternative: Win+d)
Win+X, F Programs and Features
Win+X, C Command Prompt
Win+X, A Elevated Command Prompt (Admin)
Win+X, Y System Information
Win+X, M Device Manager
Win+X, G Computer Management
Win+X, B Mobility Center
Win+X, O Power Options
Win+X, V Event Viewer
Win+X, K Disk Management
Win+X, S Search
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minus5. Managing Windows 8 Desktop Windows
Win Go to desktop / switch between Desktop and Start Screen or Apps
Win+Arrow Up Maximize Window across screen
Win+Arrow Down Minimize Window (if Restored) or set Window to Restored (if Maximized)
Win+Shift+Arrow Up Maximixe Window vertically
Win+Arrow Right/Arrow Left Move Window to left/center/right. Works across multiple monitors
Win+Shift+Arrow Right/ Arrow Left" Move window to left monitor / to right monitor when using multiple monitors
Alt+Space Opens the title bar menu
F11 Turn full page view on or off
Alt+Q Close Window
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minus6. Windows 8 Taskbar
Win+T Go to first item in Taskbar, continue with arrow keys
Win+B Go to first item in System Tray
Shift+click on a taskbar item Start new instance of Taskbar item
Ctrl+Shift+click on a taskbar item Start new instance of Taskbar item as administrator
Shift+right-click on a taskbar item Show the window menu for the program
Win+1...9 Switch to application in position N on Taskbar (or launch pinned application)
Shift+Win+1...9 Start new instance of taskbar item in position N on Taskbar
Unfortunately, Microsoft removed the possibility to select multiple taskbar items in Windows 7 (and did still not re-introduce in Windows 8)
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minus7. Navigating Desktop
Arrow Keys Navigate between and select single icons on desktop (when focus is on the desktop)
Home/End Select first / select last object on desktop
Enter Launch active object
Shift+F10 Activate context menu of active icon by simulates right mouse button. Once in the context menu use arrow keys, a-z and enter to select item
Tab, Shift+Tab on empty desktop Navigate between desktop, the quick-launch bar, task bar and notification bar. Then use arrow keys and enter or space to activate specific icons
A, B, C, ... Pressing the initial letter of the name of any objects will highlight the respective application or folder. Continue typing the object name if multiple objects start with the same letter
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minus8. Windows Explorer
Win+E Start Windows Explorer
Alt+Arrow Up Go up one folder
Alt+Arrow Left/ Alt+Arrow Right Go to previous folder / go to next folder
Tab/Shift+Tab Switch focus forward/ backward between Address bar, Search Bar, Toolbar, Navigation Pane, and File List (Default is usually File List)
Alt+D or F4 Jump to the Address bar and select absolute address. Copy address with ctrl+c if desired
Ctrl+E or Ctrl+F Jump to Search Box in Explorer
Ctrl+N Open new instance of Windows Explorer
F11 Toggle full-screen mode
minusNavigate File List and Navigation Pane
Arrow Keys Navigate between files and folders
Enter Open folder or start application
Home/End Jump to first / jump to last item
F2 Change the file name of active item
F2, then Arrow Left/ Arrow Right Move one character to the left / to the right in item name
F2, then Ctrl+ Arrow Left/Arrow Right Jump one word to the left / to the right of item name
F2, then Home /End Jump to beginning / jump to end of item name
F2, then Ctrl+A Select all/ complete object name including suffix (default excludes suffix)
Arrow Left/Arrow Right Expand folder / collapse folder (navigation pane only)
minusFile List Views
Alt+P Display or hide Preview Pane
Alt+V then D View details. Check View menu for more options
Alt+V then X View extra-large icons. Check View menu for more options
Ctrl+mouse scroll wheel Change size of icons
minusSelect Items in File List and Navigation Pane
Shift+Arrow Up/ Arrow Down Select multiple adjacent items (directly above or below)
Ctrl with Arrow keys and Space Select multiple non-adjacent items. Hold ctrl, use arrow keys to move to next item, and press space to add/remove from selection
Ctrl+A Select all
A ...Z and 1..9 Press the initial letter any item to jump to it. Continue typing the full name if multiple items start with the same letter
minusManage Items in Explorer
Ctrl+C, ctrl+X, ctrl+V Copy, Cut, Paste
Ctrl+Z Undo an action
Ctrl+Y Redo an action
Delete Delete an item and place it into the Recycle Bin
Shift+Delete Delete an item permanently without placing it into the Recycle Bin
Shift+F10 Activate context menu of active object. Replaces the right mouse button. Once in the context menu use arrow keys, a-z and enter to get to the selection
Ctrl+Shift+N Create new folder
Alt+Enter Open Properties dialog box
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minus9. The Rest
Win+U Open Ease of Access Center
Win+P Projector or second screen settings.
Alt+Shift Change keyboard language layout if multiple language layouts are active*

Windows XP Keyboard Shortcuts

General Shortcuts

Use these keyboard shortcuts when working with files and folders within Windows
Keyboard Shortcut Action
CTRL+A Select All
CTRL+V Paste
DELETE Delete selected item (move to Recycle Bin)
SHIFT+DELETE Delete item permanently without moving to Recycle Bin
F2 Rename the selected item
F3 Search for a file or a folder
F4 Display the Address Bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer
F5 Refresh the contents of the active window
F6 Cycle through the screen elements in a window or the desktop
F10 Activate the menu bar in the active program
CTRL while dragging an item Copy the selected item
CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item Create a shortcut to the selected item
SHIFT with any of the arrow keys Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop
ALT+ENTER View the properties for the selected item
ALT+F4 Close the active item, or quit the active program
ALT+ENTER Display the properties of the selected object
ALT+SPACEBAR Open the shortcut menu for the active window
CTRL+F4 Close the active window
ALT+TAB Switch between the open items
ALT+ESC Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened
SHIFT+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
ALT+SPACEBAR Display the System menu for the active window
CTRL+ESC Display the Start menu
ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name Display the corresponding menu
Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu Perform the corresponding command
RIGHT ARROW Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu
LEFT ARROW Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu
BACKSPACE View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer
SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC Open Task Manager

Windows Explorer Shortcuts

The following shortcuts can be used within Windows Explorer.
Keyboard Shortcut Action
HOME Display the top of the active window
END Display the bottom of the active window
LEFT ARROW Collapse the current selection if it is expanded, or select the parent folder
RIGHT ARROW Display the current selection if it is collapsed, or select the first subfolder
NUM LOCK+ * (Asterisk) Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder
NUM LOCK+ + (Plus key) Display the contents of the selected folder
NUM LOCK+ - (Minus key) Collapse the selected folder

Dialog Box Shortcuts

The following shortcuts can be used when a Windows dialog box is open.
Keyboard Shortcut Action
CTRL+TAB Move forward through the tabs
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Move backward through the tabs
TAB Move forward through the options
SHIFT+TAB Move backward through the options
ALT+Underlined letter Perform the corresponding command or select the corresponding option
ENTER Perform the command for the active option or button
SPACEBAR Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box
Arrow keys Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons
BACKSPACE Open a folder one level up when a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box
F1 Display Help
F4 Display the items in the active list

Accessibility Shortcuts

These shortcuts can be used to modify Windows Accessibility settings.
Keyboard Shortcut Action
Right SHIFT for eight seconds Switch FilterKeys on or off
Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN Switch High Contrast on or off
Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK Switch the MouseKeys on or off
SHIFT five times Switch the StickyKeys on or off
NUM LOCK for five seconds Switch the ToggleKeys on or off

Windows Natural Keyboard Shortcuts

Use these shortcuts to navigate Windows with a Windows Natural Keyboard
(The keyboard must have a Windows logo key next to the Alt key).
Keyboard Shortcut Action
Windows Logo Display or hide the Start menu
Windows Logo+BREAK Display the System Properties dialog box
Windows Logo+D Display the desktop
Windows Logo+M Minimize all open windows
Windows Logo+SHIFT+M Restore all minimized windows
Windows Logo+F Search for a file or a folder
CTRL+Windows Logo+F Search for computers
Windows Logo+F1 Display Windows Help
Windows Logo+L Lock the keyboard
Windows Logo+R Open the Run dialog box
Windows Logo+U Open Utility Manager

Text Editing

The following shortcuts can be used in text-editing programs, such as Notepad and WordPad.
Keyboard Shortcut Action
CTRL+A Select All
CTRL+V Paste
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL+UP ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys Highlight a block of text
SHIFT with any of the arrow keys Select a block of text one character at a time

Windows 7 keyboard shortcut keys (full list)

Windows 7 comes up with interesting and useful shortcut key additions (take for instance the new windows logo key shortcuts) that are well worthy of being memorized/used. You can use this list of Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts for reference.
General keyboard shortcuts
Ease of Access keyboard shortcuts
Display Help
Right Shift for eight seconds
Turn Filter Keys on and off
Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+Insert)
Copy the selected item
Left Alt+Left Shift+PrtScn (or PrtScn)
Turn High Contrast on or off
Cut the selected item
Left Alt+Left Shift+Num Lock
Turn Mouse Keys on or off
Ctrl+V (or Shift+Insert)
Paste the selected item
Shift five times
Turn Sticky Keys on or off
Undo an action
Num Lock for five seconds
Turn Toggle Keys on or off
Redo an action
Windows logo key +U
Open the Ease of Access Center
Delete (or Ctrl+D)
Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin
Windows logo key keyboard shortcut
Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first
Windows logo key
Open or close the Start menu.
Rename the selected item
Windows logo key +Pause
Display the System Properties dialog box.
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word
Windows logo key +D
Display the desktop.
Ctrl+Left Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
Windows logo key +M
Minimize all windows.
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
Windows logo key +Shift+M
Restore minimized windows to the desktop.
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Windows logo key +E
Open Computer.
Ctrl+Shift with an arrow key
Select a block of text
Windows logo key +F
Search for a file or folder.
Shift with any arrow key
Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document
Ctrl+Windows logo key +F
Search for computers (if you’re on a network).
Ctrl with any arrow key+Spacebar
Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop
Windows logo key +L
Lock your computer or switch users.
Select all items in a document or window
Windows logo key +R
Open the Run dialog box.
Search for a file or folder
Windows logo key +T
Cycle through programs on the taskbar.
Display properties for the selected item
Windows logo key +number
the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the
number. If the program is already running, switch to that program.
Close the active item, or exit the active program
Shift+Windows logo key +number
Start a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Open the shortcut menu for the active window
Ctrl+Windows logo key +number
Switch to the last active window of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Close the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
Alt+Windows logo key +number
Open the Jump List for the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
Switch between open items
Windows logo key +Tab
Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.
Use the arrow keys to switch between open items
Ctrl+Windows logo key +Tab
Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D.
Ctrl+Mouse scroll wheel
Change the size of icons on the desktop
Ctrl+Windows logo key +B
Switch to the program that displayed a message in the notification area.
Windows logo key +Tab
Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D
Windows logo key +Spacebar
Preview the desktop.
Ctrl+Windows logo key +Tab
Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D
Windows logo key +Up Arrow
Maximize the window.
Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened
Windows logo key +Left Arrow
Maximize the window to the left side of the screen.
Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
Windows logo key +Right Arrow
Maximize the window to the right side of the screen.
Display the address bar list in Windows Explorer
Windows logo key +Down Arrow
Minimize the window.
Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
Windows logo key +Home
Minimize all but the active window.
Open the Start menu
Windows logo key +Shift+Up Arrow
Stretch the window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Alt+underlined letter
Display the corresponding menu
Windows logo key +Shift+Left Arrow or Right Arrow
Move a window from one monitor to another.
Alt+underlined letter
Perform the menu command (or other underlined command)
Windows logo key +P
Choose a presentation display mode.
Activate the menu bar in the active program
Windows logo key +G
Cycle through gadgets.
Right Arrow
Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu
Windows logo key +U
Open Ease of Access Center.
Left Arrow
Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu
Windows logo key +X
Open Windows Mobility Center.
F5 (or Ctrl+R)
Refresh the active window
Taskbar keyboard shortcuts
Alt+Up Arrow
View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer
Shift+Click on a taskbar button
Open a program or quickly open another instance of a program
Cancel the current task
Ctrl+Shift+Click on a taskbar button
Open a program as an administrator
Open Task Manager
Shift+Right-click on a taskbar button
Show the window menu for the program
Shift when you insert a CD
Prevent the CD from automatically playing
Shift+Right-click on a grouped taskbar button
Show the window menu for the group
Left Alt+Shift
Switch the input language when multiple input languages are enabled
Ctrl+Click on a grouped taskbar button
Cycle through the windows of the group
Switch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are enabled

Right or Left Ctrl+Shift
Change the reading direction of text in right-to-left reading languages

Dialog box keyboard shortcuts

Move forward through tabs

Move back through tabs

Move forward through options

Move back through options

Alt+underlined letter
Perform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter

Replaces clicking the mouse for many selected commands

Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box

Arrow keys
Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons

Display Help

Display the items in the active list

Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box

Sony Ericsson Secret Codes and Hacks

There are only two well known Sony Ericsson secret codes which allow you to access any hidden menus on the device and from what I can tell most of the newer models no longer include a lot of the options from the older phones however if you have the modern access codes just send them to me in a mail and I will add them here.

The standard *#06# which displays the IMEI number and then a menu accesible via the directional pad or joystick, simply enter the following sequence on the main menu screen.
-> * <- <- * <- *
This will open a menu with a large variety of options based on your model of phone, some of the possible menus available here  include;
Software Information, Configuration Information, Sim Lock Status, Total Call Time, Text Labels, Real time Clock
There is also a section for testing your phone hardware and features which once again depends on which Sony Ericsson phone you have but normally includes;
Main display, LED/illumination, Flash LED, Keyboard, Earphone, Speaker, Radio, Camera, Vibrator, Microphone
Shortcut Codes
There are some shortcut codes which are not found in older manuals;
<- * * <- Queries the device lockstatus
0# Displays the call history tab
<-0000-> Resets the phone to the default language (normally English) or in some cases it takes you to the language selection menu which is good enough if you are trying to restore your phones language settings after a minor mistake or prank
Once again if you are aware of any other Sony Ericsson Secret codes please send me a mail so that I can add them to the list here.